Mammoth Summer Clinic

We've been selected to be a part of the Colorado Mammoth Pro-Indoor Lacrosse Takeover!!! What is this you ask? Well, we have been contacted by Dillon Ward (Colorado Mammoth and All-World Goalie) to take part in two, at-home clinics with the Colorado Mammoth players!!!

The main initiative here is for our youth organization to not only learn from the pros but develop and grow our already budding relationship with the Colorado Mammoth and their players.  

Currently, we have (2) clinics scheduled for the Mammoth Takeover...

1. Spring "Field" Clinic:

We are set for the spring clinic for Sunday, April 28th from 11-1pm. We will have Dillon Ward, plus 2-3 other Mammoth players in attendance at the very least.

1st - 4th grade 11am - 12pm

5th - 8th grade 12pm - 1pm

2. Summer "Box" Clinic:

For the summer session, we're looking at a mid-July date.  Date to be determined.

The $60 covers both clinics. You do NOT have to be registered for our summer box program to take part; however, you will need full equipment. It's our hope that some of the players who are on the fence about box lacrosse will be hooked after the clinic! There's no better way to become great at lacrosse than playing box!

Moving forward, the format will be similar for both clinics...The Mammoth players will take a younger group, 1st - 4th, and then an older group, 5th-8th. They will put on a 1-hour clinic for each group each session (Spring and Summer). Parents and coaches are encouraged to attend and observe the pros working with our youth.  

This is going to be one heck of an opportunity. It's taken us months to put this together. We will have two clinics, IN FRASER, with some of the best field and box players in the world.... all for $60!!!

Registration will be open until the morning of the clinic.

Mammoth Summer Clinic 2024

We've been selected to be a part of the Colorado Mammoth Pro-Indoor Lacrosse Takeover!!! What is this you ask? Well, we have been contacted by Dillon Ward (Colorado Mammoth and All-World Goalie) to take part in two, at-home clinics with the Colorado Mammoth players!!!

The main initiative here is for our youth organization to not only learn from the pros but develop and grow our already budding relationship with the Colorado Mammoth and their players.  

Currently, we have (2) clinics scheduled for the Mammoth Takeover...

1. Spring "Field" Clinic:

We are set for the spring clinic for Sunday, April 28th from 11-1pm. We will have Dillon Ward, plus 2-3 other Mammoth players in attendance at the very least.

1st - 4th grade 11am - 12pm

5th - 8th grade 12pm - 1pm

2. Summer "Box" Clinic:

For the summer session, we're looking at a mid-July date.  

The $60 covers both clinics. You do NOT have to be registered for our summer box program to take part; however, you will need full equipment. It's our hope that some of the players who are on the fence about box lacrosse will be hooked after the clinic! There's no better way to become great at lacrosse than playing box!

Moving forward, the format will be similar for both clinics...The Mammoth players will take a younger group, 1st - 4th, and then an older group, 5th-8th. They will put on a 1-hour clinic for each group each session (Spring and Summer). Parents and coaches are encouraged to attend and observe the pros working with our youth.  

This is going to be one heck of an opportunity. It's taken us months to put this together. We will have two clinics, IN FRASER, with some of the best field and box players in the world.... all for $60!!!

Registration will be open until the morning of the clinic.

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