
Age/Team Classification Chart

Identifies age/team groupings for 2017-2018 seasons

Boys Field Diagram

FVLC Equipment List

A list of equipment required for boys lacrosse

GAP Fund Application

GAP Fund for Youth (Grand Activities and Programs) Fund The GAP fund is available to Grand County youth (18 and under) to help provide a financial means to participate in non-academic activities and programs by providing and/or assisting with participation fees. This fund is designed to target a section of funding for youth that has not been sufficiently addressed in our local communities. Questions: Contact Stacy Starr at The Grand Foundation (970) 887-3111

Lacrosse 101

The basic rules and objectives of the game

Rules and Field Dimensions

US Lacrosse Insurance Coverage

Lists coverages included with membership to US Lacrosse

Why US Lacrosse Membership?

List of benefits included with US Lacrosse membership

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